A Javascript version: Prime Number Generator in Javascript
Generates prime numbers from 2 to 1,000,000 using Eratosthenes’ prime number sieve. Why? Why not.
PERL source code is available:
#Generates prime numbers from 2 to 1,000,000 using Eratosthenes’ prime number sieve. Why? Why not.
#prints out NPH allowing the script to output as it generates and prevents 30 sec timeout
use CGI qw(:standard -nph);
print “Content-type: text/plain\n\n”;
$| = 1;
print “Prime Number Generator\n”;
$tt = time();
$limit = 1000000 ;
$limitSqrt = int(sqrt($limit));
print “Prime Numbers up to $limit\n\n”;
# $notprime{$num} = undef $num is prime
# $notprime{$num} = 1 $num is not prime
#calculate and print primes up to sqrt($limit)
#we are actually generating a list of non primes by adding each number (up to sqrt($limit) ) repeatedly until we reach $limit.
#all sums will not be prime
for($num=2; $num <= $limitSqrt; ++$num)
#for($num=2; $num <= $limit; ++$num)
$sum = $num;
if ($notprime{$num})
{ #this number is not a prime so it’s factors’s multiples have already been checked off
{ #this number has not yet been marked ‘not prime’ so it must be prime as we have already checked for all possible lesser factors
print “$num\n”
while ($sum < $limit) #add $num repeatedly up to limit. all sums will not be prime. same as all multiples of $num
$sum = $sum + $num;
$notprime{$sum} = 1; #not prime
#all non primes have been found up to $limit at this point.
#print already calculated primes after sqrt($limit)
for($num=$limitSqrt + 1; $num < $limit; ++$num)
if (!$notprime{$num})
print “$num\n”
print “\n\nSeconds: ” ;
print time() – $tt;
print “\n\n” ;