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Rebel Galaxy & Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

Rebel Galaxy

Atmospheric, broadside naval style space shooter.

Pros: By far the best kick ass soundtrack in a game. The missions were fun, the graphics well done, story enjoyable.

Cons: Travelling time can get repetitive.

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

Don’t listen to the detractors. This is a fun game. 5/5

If you liked Rebel Galaxy, you will like Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. It takes the 2D paying field and adds a dimension.

I did find my gamepad hard to set up. But I find setting up a gamepad in steam confusing at the best of times. The trouble taken to figure out how to set it up was well worth it. I did not enjoy using a mouse and keyboard.

This is not a space sim, but a game for fun.
Trading, pirating, or being a hero.
Sandbox universe where it is you against the universe.

It can get repetitive after many hours, just like Rebel Galaxy or Endless Sky(Mount and Blade in space?). But, just like those games, it is so easy to jump in and out of, it seems like coming home when you fire the game back up again.

One of my favorite space games.