No longer maintained… is a fork from The modifications in this fork are intended to allow you to run and compile bridgecommand on the Raspberry Pi 3.
- Binaries (when done) will be ready for the Pi 3 Raspbian
- Height maps in the World folder are 256×256, to prevent invisible land masses due to graphic driver limitations
- ini file settings are set to lower perfomance so bridgecommand will work on the Pi 3
The Pi 3 and Raspbian have the ability to use GL drivers. The Pi 3 only has 1 GB of RAM, which limits the possible size of textures, etc.
It would be a good idea to update your OS first:
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
- sudo rpi-update
Things I like to set up on Raspbian first: -A large swap file. Mine is 2 GB.,available%20RAM%20on%20the%20machine. -If using a USB device to boot from: “dtoverlay=sdtweak,poll_once” in config.txt. See: raspberrypi/linux#2567 -logs to ram, not SD card, or turn logs off:
Things you must set up: -Use a high quality sd card or ssd drive. Perfomance is drastically affected by storage media. -Ensure Raspbian is up to date: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -Enable opengl in Raspbian: Run: raspi-config choose ‘7 – advanced’ then ‘A7 GL Driver’ then ‘G2 – GL Fake KMS’ Reboot -For sound, we must type this in a terminal: export PA_ALSA_PLUGHW=1 (or we get the following error: Pa_OpenDefaultStream failed. Segmentation fault) You can set it permanently by: sudo nano /etc/enviornment Then adding: PA_ALSA_PLUGHW=1 to the last line then saving. Then reboot.
Running tips:
- Run bridgecommand-ini first
- set ‘water_segments’. Set it to 8 or lower. The processing power required for the wave motion is just too much for the Raspberry Pi. To fix this I changed the setting in MovingWater.cpp. I changed ‘segments = 32’ to ‘segments=8’. This is on line 86. Mr. Packer wrote this setting into his code. I haven’t had a crash or a freeze on the Pi since this setting was available and set appropriately.
- Turn off Shading
- set width and height to: 800×600 or less 640×480 and start in windowed mode. It will not work well at higher resolutions.
- set ‘use_directx’ to 0
- Run bridgecommand-bc alone. It often freezes the gui when the browser or other memory intense programs are open.
- Boot off a fast SD card, not a USB stick unless it is very fast. I use an external, low power, 60 GB SSD and it is very fast.
- Use IP addresses, not the pc network name, on the Pi for repeater and network settings.
Compiling with Raspbian:
- Download source code from: Extract to your desktop. This will be reffered to as below.
- Install required libraries: sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libxxf86vm-dev freeglut3-dev libxext-dev libxcursor-dev (if sound is required) sudo apt install libsndfile1 libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 libsndfile1-dev portaudio19-dev libasound2-dev
Instructions to compile the sound library files are in CompilingLinuxAndMac.txt, they do not work with the Raspbian OS. The following are ways I have built Bridgecommand with sound in Raspbian. If you don’t need sound, jump down to ‘Compiling without sound:’
- The easiest way is to add sound is to compile Bridgecommand using pre-installed system SHARED libraries we installed earlier. sudo apt install libsndfile1 libportaudio2 libportaudiocp0 libsndfile1-dev portaudio19-dev libasound2-dev Jump down to ‘Compiling with sound:’
- If you need to have a version with STATIC sound libraries built in to the image, do the following. Make sure there are no installed sound libraries already. sudo apt remove libsndfile1 libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 libsndfile1-dev portaudio19-dev (you may want to install afterwards as other programs may use these libraries)
Get source from: (clone) as per instructions: ./ ./configure –enable-werror sudo make sudo make check
Alternately you can install and use cmake: sudo apt install cmake cmake sudo make
Then find and copy libsndfile.a over to /home/pi/Desktop/bc-master/libs/libsndfile/lib
Get source from: (see clone) cmake ./ sudo make sudo make install copy libportaudio.a only from /usr/local/lib to /home/pi/Desktop/bc-master/libs/portaudio/lib
Jump down to ‘Compiling with sound:’
- Instead of downloading and compiling the libsndfile.a and libportaudio.a, I copy them from the apt installs we did earlier. sudo apt install libsndfile1 libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 libsndfile1-dev portaudio19-d libsndfile.a and libportaudio.aev libasound2-dev The libsndfile.a and libportaudio.a files are in ‘ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/’ and you can copy them to /libs/libsndfile/ and /libs/portaudio/lib/ Now remove those two sound libraries so that the shared libraries are not the ones linked to. sudo apt remove libsndfile1 libportaudio2 libportaudiocpp0 libsndfile1-dev portaudio19-dev Add the following to the USERLDFLAGS in MakefileWithSound -lFLAC -logg -ljack -lvorbis -lvorbisenc
Compiling with sound: Start from a clean build: “make -f MakefileWithSound clean”. In a terminal at type ‘make -f MakefileWithSound’
Compiling without sound: Start from a clean build: “make clean”. In a terminal at type ‘make’
Compiling with CMAKE with sound:
sudo apt install portaudio19-dev libsndfile1-dev libasound2-dev
We must type this in a terminal:: export PA_ALSA_PLUGHW=1 or we get: Pa_OpenDefaultStream failed. Segmentation fault
In CmakeLists.txt add: set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS “-DWITH_SOUND”)
Add in target_link_libraries(bridgecommand-bc PRIVATE : -lsndfile -lportaudio -lasound
#(this goes in every CmakeLists.txt that fails with thread errors) -lpthread
Install cmake: Sudo apt install cmake
Then run the following in a terminal at : Cmake ./ Make
Compile Bridgecommand for the Raspberry Pi 3 (using Gentoo Linux 64 OS):
Gentoo Linux can be downloaded here: edit bc-master/libs/Irrlicht/irrlicht-svn/source/Irrlicht/libpng/pngpriv.h and change: define PNG_FILTER_OPTIMIZATIONS to define NO_PNG_FILTER_OPTIMIZATIONS then run ‘make’
Additional tools:
Note: These libraries are installed by default on Raspbian libsndfile1-1.0.28-6 libportaudio2-19.6.0-1 libasound2-1.1.8+1 libasound2-data-1.1.8 to re-add them sudo apt install libsndfile1 libportaudio2 libasound2-dev libasound2-data
.so share .a archive note: dev lib are required to link against .so files plus provide headers