Bridge Simulators try to create scenarios and environments where you need to work on a StarTrek like bridge with other crew members. Captain, Navigation, Weapons, Engineering, Science, etc.
Some of the ones below are designed for ‘over the internet play’ by design, and others are designed for those on the same local network to play together. All can be played over the internet remotely, but the experience ‘might’ degrade if it was designed for local network play.
It is not easy to get a crew together at the same time.
Unless your crew are all on the same local network, you ‘might’ have to set up port forwarding on the router of the person hosting the game. Basicinstructions are provided below.
The following games are free and quite interesting.
This can be run on Windows, Linux, and some Android devices.
You can create your own scenarios.
The startup menu can be a little confusing.
You can install manually or install it from steam!
It is 2d, but it is still a very good bridge simulator.
This is no longer fully maintained, but it works and is pretty decent. It works on Windows and Linux. Mac might not work as Steam now insists that Mac games be 64 bit.
Note that internet play does work with steam, although it is a bit confusing on ‘how’ to do that.
Space Nerds In Space
This is a fascinating project. Created and built by one man for linux. Designed for nerds. To play you need to actually compile it yourself on your linux platform. To simplify, I have compiled it and created a Linux AppImage for easy install:
Get it here:
Instructions on how to run here:
or try the flatpak:
It is a 3d environment has voice recognition (give voice commands to a computer) and many other interesting and unique features. It is an ambitious piece of art! I highly recommend it.
As it is Linux ONLY, if you don’t have linux, you can TRY some of the ideas below in this page to get it to run from a bootable stick.
The creator does not recommend playing over the internet / WAN. But it works. You need to go to option 9, then 3 to set a port range. I suggest 5000:5100. Then you must forward that port 2914 and the port ‘range’ 5000:51000 on the servers modem/router. The clients need to set the same port range on the menu option. Clients do not need to change any router settings.
Downloads are here, but I had to build myself to get sound (it is still in alpha):
This is another brilliant and ambitious project. There is a Thorium Classic it was/is used as a commercial bridge simulator but can be used for personal use. The scenario builder looks quite intimidating.
Thorium-Nova is a rewrite and is coded in Node.js and is built on a server / client model. This is absolutely brilliant as all the clients are simply any PC, with any OS using their browsers to access the server. You can even have multiple browser windows on the same PC, accessing the different bridge stations.
It is still in alpha, but it works.
Setting up over the internet / Port Forwarding
If you and your friends are in the same house using the same local network, this is not required. This is only if you are HOSTING or SERVING a game over the internet.
To do this you need to know a few things.
- Your Modem’s login username and password. It ‘might’ be on a sticker on your modem. If not contact your internet service provider.
- Your network’s gateway IP address. This IP will be typed in your browser’s address bar so you can login and access your modems settings.
- Your computer’s local IP address. Hopefully this is static. If not, you may need to change your port forwarding settings often.
- What ‘ports’ your game is using. Needed for port forwarding settings.
- Your External or WAN IP address for your modem/internet. Find this in your Web interface for your modem.
To find my PC IP address and my gate way IP address, I used the ‘cmd’ in my windows search box, then typed and ran: ipconfig

I typed my gateway IP of in a browser address bar and then logged into my modem’s web interface. I then went to my port forwarding settings in my modem. The external service port should be whatever port the game uses. And the internal port settings will be the same. The IP address is the IP address of your computer (found with ipconfig). Protocol set to ALL.

To find your External WAN IP you need to find this in your modem, or find if from
Note: This address might change over time.
When your friends run the bridge simulator and it asks them for the server address, this is the address they will use.
When they try to connect to your modem using the external IP address and the game port address, your port forwarding (that you set up) will forward the traffic to your internal IP and game port of your computer.
Linux Downloads
I have create Linux AppImages and Flatpak for some of these Space Bridge Simulators.
Not mine:
Linux only sims running on windows
For those without linux, you have a few options. Create a live boot (persistent) linux usb stick and boot your pc from that, or run VirtualBox and install linux on that or run Linux for Windows (WSL).
Option 1. WSL is very simple now. Go to Microsoft store and search for Ubuntu. Once installed, run Ubuntu and you are at the linux terminal (command prompt).

Note: If you know nothing about linux, and are not willing to google the basics (how to open a terminal, change path locations, etc) this may not be for you.
Option2. For a usb boot option download a linux distro (Mint, Zorin, etc)
eg: Q4os
Then install it to a usb stick with rufus:
Make sure you set some persistent disk space so your download remains after you reboot.

Then boot your linux usb and set it up.